Tuesday 24 November 2009

Types of Adult Dyslexia Treatment

Dyslexia is known to be a life-long learning disability, but that does not mean that people who suffer from this disability have little chances of ever being successful. The adult dyslexia treatment regimen may not be the same as typical forms of treatment offered for other types of disabilities, however there are numerous coping skills that people have devised over time.

A quick search on the internet will provide a vast array of suggestions provided by other adults with dyslexia for the coping techniques that they frequently use to survive and lead successful lives with their dyslexia. These individuals use a series of techniques as their personal form of adult dyslexia treatment. As an example, the difference between left and right are often mixed up with dyslexics. People have cited ways to keep the two straight in their minds by using methods such as repeating silent phrases to themselves such as "write with right," whilst others use the method of looking at their wedding ring, knowing that the ring is on their left hand. It is felt by some nonetheless, that part of the difficulty in reading is due to the resulting impression of the black print on stark white paper, which explains why many individuals have reported that they have achieved successful reading through overlaying tinted mylar sheets over the text when they are reading.

Other individuals might sometimes seek a more formal approach and look for training or learning centers to help them overcome various daily obstacles that they might have to face. A well-known tutoring company, Sylvan Learning Centers, successfully provides adult dyslexia treatment to many different people with this condition. They offer training from professionally trained teachers and tutors who teach proven techniques for overcoming a variety of learning disabilities. Training centers typically customize the approach to the person's individual needs. Regular testing and assessment are also conducted in order to be sure that the direction of training will be adequate to meet the individual's needs and be able to measure the marked progress that will be achieved through the training.

As an indication to how beneficial adult dyslexia treatment can be, a person can notice the great success of others who share the same learning disability. Actually, numerous famous people with dyslexia can be identified, such as Woody Harrelson, Patrick Dempsey, and Cher who all reportedly suffer from dyslexia. Further, several United States Presidents such as George Washington, John F. Kennedy and Thomas Jefferson were known to have been dyslexic.

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